real life trainingfor real life jobs
Public TVET Colleges offer a very wide range of courses/programmes that have been developed to respond to the scarce skills needed by employers. Courses vary in duration from a short course of a few hours to formal diploma courses of three years. Naturally the costs of the courses also vary considerably but it is important to remember that Department of Higher Education and Training programmes are subsidised by 80% of the delivery cost and for the remaining 20% that would be paid by the student, many full bursaries are available. NSFAS funds Ministerial approved programmes and students must refer to each college, however the generally funded programmes are below:
up to 300 courses on offer
R350 000 combined family income
National Certificate Vocation (NC(v)) , Semester 1 and Trimester 1 - Annual - online application and walk in assistive capture application at the beginning of each year Trimester 2 & 3 as per DHET calendar, in May and September respectively , also Walk in assistive capture application Semester 2 June - July walk in, assistive capture application
sign up to the myNSFAS portal
allowances food | accommodation | transport
> TVET College 2020 Bursary Rules and Guidelines > TVET Admissions Policy > Continuing Education and Training Act, No 16 of 2006 (as amended) > National Norms and Standards for Funding of FET (TVET) Colleges > Report of the Ministerial Committee on the Review of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme > Amended Rules and Guidelines for the Administration and Management of the Department of Higher Education and Training > Continuing Education and Training Act 16 of 2006 > DHET Attendance and Punctuality Policy - Public TVET Colleges (Nov 2013) > Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College Academic Calendar for 2019 > TVET College 2020 Bursary Rules and Guidelines
rules & guidelines
> Newly Elected TVET College SRCS > Understanding NSFAS Wallet with TVET information > TVET Circular 1-4
Keep your details up-to-date